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Cross-Border Evacuation Protocol for Countries in the Eastern Caribbean in the Context of Disasters

The Cross-Border Evacuation Protocol serves as a tool to guide strategic objectives and activities to be implemented across six distinct phases of an evacuation process: the Planning Phase, Activation Phase, Pre-departure Phase, Departure and Transit Phase, Arrival Phase and Post-arrival Phase. These activities all share one main purpose: to ensure that affected and vulnerable populations can safely cross borders in the Eastern Caribbean Region with the support of national governments, regional and international organizations, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders. Based on best practices and research in disaster management, human mobility and human security, the recommended action points and steps are supported by a mapping of suggested stakeholders and resources that are instrumental in implementing the protocols.

The six phases of the evacuation protocol are designed to reflect solidarity among the Eastern Caribbean States in partnership, dialogue and execution. The proposed framework is relevant, user-friendly and engaging and can be adjusted easily as regional challenges and opportunities present themselves in human mobility, human security and disaster management.


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