Una Murray
The Ryan Institute at the National University of Ireland Galway is engaged in sustainability research and innovation activities contributing to the majority of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr. Murray is a Ryan Institute Principal Investigator. www.ryaninstitute.ie
Dr. Murray is Lead Principal Investigator of Irish Research Council funded project (MiCASP) on the linkages between climate change, migration and social protection (Ethiopia focus). MiCASP investigates how social protection can be better targeted to reach the marginalised migrants, in the context of climate change impacts. For example how rural households affected by climate change view migration as an adaptation strategy, how they cope with forced mobilities and immobility from climate shocks; what measures (social protection, remittances) support them; and how policy and institutions at the migration, climate change and poverty nexus can enable social protection measures to strengthen resilience of migrants.