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Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)

Affiliation or Individual: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
City, Country: Geneva, Switzerland
Region of Work: 119
Objective / Mission Statement:

Our mission is to generate evidence on all situations of internal displacement, strengthen capacity to prevent and respond to the issue, and galvanise action to drive positive change. We do this by: 1) monitoring and researching the phenomenon; 2) documenting solutions and best practice; 3) advising governments and providing tools and services to partners; and 4) promoting the issue through partnership, dialogue and communication.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 122, 123, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

IDMC generates evidence through the monitoring and analysis of global internal displacement, assessing displacement risk, and documenting solutions, including on:

  • The number of new displacements triggered by sudden and slow-onset disasters, and the total number of people living in displacement as a result of disaster each year across the globe.
  • The scale, patterns, drivers and impacts of internal displacement associated with slow-onset environmental change and disasters to inform policies and practices for managing and reducing displacement risk.
  • New evidence to better understand, plan for, prevent, and respond to disaster displacement in the Pacific region, in collaboration with PDD and IOM under the EU-funded Pacific Response to Disaster Displacement Project.
  • Risk modelling and mapping to better manage future climate change and disaster displacement risk.


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