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About Us

The Platform on Disaster Displacement is a State-led Initiative Working with Partners Towards Better Protection for People at Risk of or Being Displaced in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change.

The Steering Group

The Steering Group directs and steers the work of the Platform and related efforts at the global level on the basis of an approved Strategic Framework and Workplan. The Steering Group contains between 15 and 20 States and the European Union, represented through their Permanent Missions/Delegations in Geneva, and its composition reflects a wide and balanced geographic representation. UNHCR and IOM are standing invitees to the Steering Group.

The Chair and Vice-Chair

The Steering Group is directed by a Chair, supported by a Vice-Chair, each exercising their function during one and a half year. The Chair leads the Steering Group and is in charge of the overall organization of its proceedings. The Vice-Chair is scheduled to succeed the Chair after expiry of the incumbent Chair’s term, and makes a proposal to the Steering Group on which country could take its place as next Vice-Chair.

Walter Kaelin, the Envoy of the Chair

The Envoy of the Chair provides strategic advice to the Chair and the Steering Group and represents the Chair in high-level public events while promoting the work of the Platform and raising awareness of the findings of the Nansen Initiative Protection Agenda at the global and the regional level. He also serves as the Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Platform.

The Group of Friends

The Group of Friends strengthens awareness on the protection and assistance needs of disaster displaced persons. It is an open-ended group and consists of States and regional organizations. The European Union and Morocco co-chair the Group of Friends.

The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee consists of, inter alia, representatives of international and regional organizations, research institutions, academia, non-governmental organizations and other civil society stakeholders with expertise in fields such as humanitarian assistance and protection, human rights, migration management, refugee protection, disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and development.

Better protection for people displaced in the context of disasters and climate change

The Secretariat

The Secretariat supports the development and implementation of the Platform’s activities.

With The Generous Support Of

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