The objective of the Steering Group is, under the leadership of its Chair and Vice-Chair, to direct and steer the work of the Platform and related efforts at the national, regional and global level based on an approved Strategy and Workplan.
The function of the Steering Group includes the following: (1) Provide political support and commitment to raise awareness on disaster displacement and to disseminate and implement the Protection Agenda, (2) Participate actively in the promotion and development of PDD policy priorities, and policy interventions, (3) Provide leadership and guidance in the development of the Strategy of the Platform, (4) Support implementation of the PDD Workplan at the national, regional and global level, as applicable and appropriate.
The Steering Group is directed by a Chair, supported by a Vice-Chair, each exercising their function over a period of one and a half years. The Chair leads the Steering Group and is in charge of the overall organization of its proceedings.
The Steering Group contains between 15 and 25 members consisting of UN Member States and regional organizations, represented through their Permanent Missions/Delegations in Geneva, and its composition aims to reflect a wide and balanced geographic representation. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are standing invitees to the Steering Group and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is member ex officio, hosting the PDD Secretariat.

With the support of the Secretariat, the Chair organizes regular meetings of the Steering Group in Geneva at technical (expert) and ambassadorial levels, and shares minutes with members. Working Groups may be convened on specific topics. Meetings will be called by the Chair and supported by the Secretariat. The Steering Group is regularly informed by the Chair and the Secretariat on the implementation of the Workplan.