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All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI)

Affiliation or Individual: Mihir R. Bhatt
City, Country: Ahmedabad, India
Region of Work: 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

Prepare a society of poor and excluded citizens resilient to hazards, has its own coping mechanisms to manage disaster recovery on its own, and access public resources as their right. Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction by turning disaster response measures into an opportunity for sustainable human security and poverty alleviation.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 122, 123, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

AIDMI has worked in different areas of disaster management, including risk reduction (safer schools campaign; child centered disaster risk reduction; risk transfer), knowledge management (education and training; publications in local to global languages; research, evaluations), innovations in disaster response and recovery (Responded to micro and macro disasters. Through response efforts, AIDMI applies a human-security approach – food, shelter, water, and livelihood – that fetuses on long-term recovery and community development), and policy advocacy (through national and regional roundtable, seminars, workshops, and consultations, for encouraging active and meaningful local participation in all disaster related programmes) covering 41 cities and 52 districts.



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