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Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED)

Affiliation or Individual: Emad Adly
City, Country: Cairo, Egypt
Region of Work: 116, 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

RAED is an Arab CSO established November 1990. RAED was founded to satisfy actual needs of the CSOs throughout the Arab Countries. RAED aims to enhance dialogue between Arab CSOs and other relevant stakeholders, exchange of knowledge and experience, develop their capacities and mobilize resources to implement joint developmental projects.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126
Key activities relevant to PDD:

RAED implemented the project entitled “Climate Induced Displacement: Challenges & Opportunities” in cooperation with the Norwegian Refugee Center, which aimed at providing evidence based policy responses to disaster induced displacement at national level, through policy development & implementation, and to strengthen community resilience and response to disaster induced through a multi stakeholder approach.

RAED General Coordinator is a member in the International Board of the Global Network of CSOs for Disaster Reduction. RAED has encouraged active &concerned NGOs in the region to join the GNDR.

RAED has participated in preparing the National Strategy for DRR & organizes national & regional events on DRR.



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