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Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)

Affiliation or Individual: Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, Julia Mayerhofer, Asmoro Hadiyanto
City, Country: Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal and Bangkok, Thailand
Region of Work: 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

By upholding human rights doctrines adopted by UN, it embraces universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights and strives for effective realization of international instruments. The primary focus is to advocate on behalf of vulnerable and marginalised population to ensure their human rights, including disaster response and protection of refugees, trafficked persons, IDPs, stateless persons and other forced migrants.

Area of work: 126, 125, 124, 129
Key activities relevant to PDD:
  • Research, education, advocacy (including lobbying) and training on forced migration including protection of vulnerably moving population (climate displaces included) both within and beyond borders
  • Ratification campaign of all international instruments relevant to the protection of the human rights of migrants, displaced and moving population
  • Development of mutually agreed bi-lateral common minimum standards and MoUs for protection of forced migrants
  • Support towards formulation of comprehensive gender-sensitive and rights-based policies to ensure compliance with international legal standards and benchmarks
  • Undertaking quantitative and qualitative research, data collection and analysis on migratory mobility approach.


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