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Center for Social Development Studies (CSDS), Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University

Affiliation or Individual: Carl Middleton
City, Country: Bangkok, Thailand
Region of Work: 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

The Center for Social Development Studies produces interdisciplinary critical research on innovative, inclusive and sustainable regional development in Southeast Asia. We seek to engage in policy-making through undertaking research in partnership with those facing development challenges, collaborating in research, policy and academic networks, and by sharing our research publicly.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

We undertake critical interdisciplinary research on five themes: resource politics; (rethinking) regionalization; human rights, human security and justice; innovation and knowledge; and democratization and public sphere. We have recently completed research on the political ecology of flooding and migration in Southeast Asia ( The research aimed to complicate simplistic readings of environmental change as a singular driver of migration, and thus sensitize flood hazard policy agendas to the complexities of migration. We currently collaborate with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in a regional study on the relationship between disaster and people displacement through a human rights lens in the Asia Pacific.



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