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Cook Islands Centre, University of the South Pacific

City, Country: Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Objective / Mission Statement:

To strengthen the protection of Pacific peoples who may be, or have been, displaced internally or across borders in the context of disasters, including disasters linked to climate change, and to prevent or reduce disaster displacement risks.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 122, 123, 124, 129
Key activities relevant to PDD:
  1. Preparation and approval of a framework for harmonised entry and stay by Pacific Leaders.
  2. Mapping and analysis of existing regional migration and labour law relevant to voluntary adaptive migration; identification of gaps and opportunities; gaps and opportunities addressed.
  3. Mapping and analysis of existing regional planned internal relocation projects mapped against Protection Agenda; follow-up activities identified and, where possible, actioned.
  4. Human mobility dimension appropriately included in relevant regional, bilateral and national level processes and frameworks.
  5. Knowledge generated and used effectively, and gaps in information and understanding addressed.


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