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International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

Affiliation or Individual: Lukas Gehrke, Aurelie Sgro
City, Country: Vienna, Austria
Region of Work: 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
Objective / Mission Statement:

ICMPD strives to make migration and mobility of people orderly, safe and regular, including through the implementation of planned and well managed migration policies.
It does so based on solid evidence and in partnership with all relevant stakeholders at national, regional and international levels. The principles of partnership and balancing of interests are the foundation of the organisation.

Area of work: 128, 125, 124, 129
Key activities relevant to PDD:
  • Promote the inclusion of migrants’ needs in disaster preparedness and contingency planning.
  • Provide capacity building support to foster multi-stakeholder coordination to assist migrants during disasters.
  • Provide capacity building support to include human mobility as an adaptation strategy in climate change planning, disaster displacement risks in disaster risk reduction strategies/plans, and other forms of adaptation policies/planning. Regional workshop on West Africa in partnership with PDD foreseen.
  • Engage in the crisis/climate change cluster in the framework of the elaboration of the Global Compact on Migration.
  • Engage with relevant migration dialogues to promote disaster displacement related issues.
  • Conduct research on the impacts of disasters on migrants, including on long term development.


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