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Mausumi Moran Chetia

Affiliation or Individual: Mausumi Moran Chetia, PhD Researcher, International Institute of Social Studies, part of Erasmus University Rotterdam
City, Country: The Hague, Netherlands
Region of Work: 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

To put the varied experiences of disaster displaced people of India on the regional and global map of disaster displacement.

Together with PDD colleagues, I aim to work towards (a) broadening global policy and practice frameworks of disaster displacement, and (b) developing collaborative methodologies for qualitative research with affected people.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 122, 123, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

Through my current (doctoral) research, I examine idea(s) of home for communities displaced within Assam (India), due to riverbank erosion, floods, and generational disaster impoverishment.  Human security and disaster governance provide the conceptual framework for the research, while ethnography lends itself as the methodology. This research is informed by previous research with disaster-displaced communities and experiences as a humanitarian aid practitioner, in different regions of India for a decade. I have closely worked with communities that have been displaced by, affected by and at-risk of floods, cyclones, landslides, tsunami, fire, and riverbank erosion; and with (regional/global) state and non-state actors.



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