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Organisation Internationale pour les Pays les Moins Avancés (OIPMA) – International Organization for Least Developed Countries (IOLDCs)

Affiliation or Individual: Giulia Borsa
City, Country: Geneva, Switzerland
Region of Work: 116, 117, 121
Objective / Mission Statement:

IOLDCs is a non-profit, non-governmental and independent organization based in Geneva with ECOSOC status. IOLDCs envisages a fairer, peaceful and green future, working for the empowerment and development of LDCs, particularly endangered by conflicts, poverty, diseases, inequality and climate change. Besides its work done on advocacy and workshops, the organization is currently planning field-work projects.

Area of work: 127, 128, 125
Key activities relevant to PDD:

The new division on climate change and human rights recently started at IOLDCs is extremely committed to mitigate the impacts of the changing climate with a human rights perspective and to engage all stakeholders to follow this pattern. This has been done and will be further developed with our advocacy work writing reports, newsletter, statements delivered at the Human Rights Council and related events.
On the other hand, being well aware of the protection challenges related to disaster displacement, IOLDCs is committed to strengthen and promote concerted efforts to protect displaced communities in line with the objectives of the Nansen Initiative and the PDD.
IOLDCs seeks to empower vulnerable people to intervene in climate-related decision-making and to diminish the impacts of displacement.



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