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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Affiliation or Individual: Julia Blocher
City, Country: Potsdam, Germany
Region of Work: 119
Objective / Mission Statement:

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development.
Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision making.

Area of work: 127, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

PIK researchers work with partner countries to strengthen resilience against disruptive weather phenomena and climate change at national, regional and local levels, to reduce the gap between climate research and its application in policy, business and societal decisions.
In the interdisciplinary ‘EPICC’ Project (East Africa, Peru, India Climate Capacities, 2018-2021) PIK is conducting field research in target countries to study how climate change impacts influence human mobility. PIK researchers are assessing agriculture, hydrology, and water resources, as well as their linkages to human mobility patterns, in order to co-produce sound climate models and related tools that are tailored to national needs.



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