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Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)

Affiliation or Individual: Dr. Tasneem Arefa Siddiqui
City, Country: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Region of Work: 117
Objective / Mission Statement:

(1) Generate new knowledge on migration and displacement, both forced and voluntary, climate or development induced. (2) Establish partnership among policy makers, researchers and practitioners to prevent and prepare for situations of displacement

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 124, 129
Key activities relevant to PDD:

For almost a decade RMMRU has been conducting studies on climate induced internal displacement and rural urban migration. It was invited by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief of Bangladesh to prepare the Draft National Strategy on Climate Change and Disaster Induced Internal Displacement. Currently it is leading an advocacy consortium of civil society organizations working on climate change for formal adoption of the Strategy. In 2019 RMMRU and the University of Exeter, UK completed a two-year action research that targeted ensuring participation of climate induced internally displaced new migrants to be a part of planning process of safe and sustainable cities in line with SDG 11. Currently, RMMRU is involved in training city planners of Chattogram on the methodology of involving new migrants in city planning.



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