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Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Affiliation or Individual: Kosi Latu, Espen Ronneberg,
City, Country: Apia, Samoa
Region of Work: 120
Objective / Mission Statement:

SPREP’s mandate is ‘to promote co-operation in the Pacific region and provide assistance in order to protect and improve its environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations’. Our vision: ‘A resilient Pacific environment sustaining our livelihoods and natural heritage in harmony with our cultures.’ Historically, SPREP was the only agency supporting the region on climate change. SPREP began this formal support in 1994 and continues to be the lead coordinating agency on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, and regional meteorological services. SPREP will work with other stakeholders in climate change and resilience. SPREP will continue its leadership to contribute to coordinated regional approaches to climate change agreed regional mechanisms and fora, maintain its coordination of Pacific island advocacy and negotiations in multilateral fora, and continue to work with all members.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126
Key activities relevant to PDD:

SPREP will draw upon its rich experience in the Pacific, including through established relationships with governments and key stakeholders, to carry out implementing roles that include:

  • coordinating Pacific climate change action;
  • coordinating effective advocacy for members to influence global and regional climate initiatives, including UNFCCC processes, and assisting implementation of their international commitments;
  • assisting members to access climate finance;
  • hosting the Pacific Climate Change Centre;
  • hosting the regional office of the World Meteorological Organisation;
  • serving as the lead regional agency and hub for meteorological services and climate and weather early warning systems; and
  • leveraging additional resources through genuine and durable partnerships.
  • Specific guidance is given by the SPREP Strategic Plan, regional objective 1.5 “Support Pacific Island members to develop policy responses to issues of loss and damage, and climate change and disaster induced population mobility”.




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