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United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY)

City, Country: New York, United States
Region of Work: 119
Objective / Mission Statement:

UNMGCY is the UN-GA-mandated official, formal and self-organized space for children and youth to contribute to intergovernmental policy in the UN, since 1992. We engage children and youth in the design, implementation, follow-up, and review of policies at all levels in four areas: Advocacy, Capacity Building, Youth Action, and Knowledge.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

UNMGCY is the formal children and youth constituency within a series of intergovernmental processes, including Agenda 2030, Sendai Framework, AAAA, ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment, GCM, GCR, and UNFCCC.

Within each of these intergovernmental processes UNMGCY facilitates:

  • the participation of young people in policy design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review.
  • activities to enhance relevant understanding, knowledge, and skills.
  • a platform that encourages young people to lead, join, showcase, and share policy implementation initiatives;
  • a platform for dialogue to create evidence base for best practices through the assessment of existing knowledge, generating new knowledge, and identification of emerging issues.


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