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University of Florida (Department of Anthropology)

Affiliation or Individual: Anthony Oliver Smith
City, Country: Gainesville, Florida, USA
Objective / Mission Statement:

As researcher and consultant, I have worked on issues of displacement related to disasters and environmental change for over 40 years. Main areas of research include post-disaster resettlement and housing, resettlement for DRR, resistance to resettlement, social and cultural losses in displacement, reconstruction, CCA and DRR.

Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 124
Key activities relevant to PDD:

Research and consultation (Displacement Solutions) with Kuna Indians of Panama; Research on climate change and migration in Peru (Oxfam America and UNU-EHS); Research on disaster, displacement and resettlement in Peru; Consultation on post-disaster housing education in Jamaica (Basic Health Management and USAID); co-author, UNU-EHS policy briefs (#7 on loss and damage, social vulnerability and resilience; and #9 on non-economic loss and damage) for COP talks; Member, American Anthropological Association Task Force on Global Climate Change; Author of over 40 (of a total of 107) publications related to various types displacement and resettlement, including disasters, climate change, and development projects.



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