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Secretary-General’s remarks to the Security Council – on addressing climate-related security risks to international peace and security through mitigation and resilience building

23 February 2021 – Secretary-General’s remarks to the Security Council – on addressing climate-related security risks to international peace and security through mitigation and resilience building [bilingual as delivered, scroll down for all-english] [Watch the video on] Mr. President, Excellencies,…

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Closing Remarks, Norwegian Ambassador to Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal, 2-3 February 2015 – Closing Remarks by H. E. Mr. Kjell Tormod Pettersen, Norwegian Ambassador to Nepal Nansen Initiative Civil Society Meeting: Climate Change, Disasters, and Human Mobility in South Asia Kanchenjunga Hall, ICIMOD HQ, Kathmandu, Nepal February 2-3, 2015…

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Opening Address by Prime Minister Hon. Henry Puna

Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 21 May 2013 – Nansen Initiative Pacific Regional Consultation Human Mobility, Natural Disasters and Climate Change in the Pacific Opening Address by Cook Islands Prime Minister Hon. Henry Puna Your Excellencies (Mr. President, Madam Vice-President), Ministers, Representatives of Governments…

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Key note address by Hon. Vice President Teima Onorio

Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 21 May 2013 – Nansen Initiative Pacific Regional Consultation Human Mobility, Natural Disasters and Climate Change in the Pacific Key note address by Hon. Vice President Teima Onorio Jodtjif Nansen said and I quote “Nothing great and good can…

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