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Two New Tools to Help Address Disaster Displacement Now Available
Are you wondering how to address displacement in your disaster risk reduction (DRR) policies and practices? Would you like to learn more about how to reduce displacement risk, address displacement…
Publication | Leaving Place, Restoring Home: Enhancing the Evidence Base on Planned Relocation Cases in the Context of Hazards, Disasters, and Climate Change
As hazards, disasters and climate change profoundly affect people’s lives and livelihoods, attention is turning toward opportunities to move people permanently out of harm’s way. Most commonly termed ‘Planned relocation’…
Virtual Workshop Series | Developing a Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement and Migration in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Africa
Virtual Workshop Series Developing a Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement and Migration in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Africa April-June 2021 Natural hazards, disasters and…
Webinar | Implications for policy of a (post-?) COVID-19 world…
What are the implications of COVID-19, as a particular kind of a natural (biological) hazard, and its impact and implications for global trends and debates addressed in previous sessions? Environmental…
Five years after Sendai, Paris and the endorsement of the Protection Agenda
Virtual Conference – 4 February 2021 Five years after Sendai, Paris and the endorsement of the Protection Agenda – what has been achieved, what has been overlooked, and what needs…
Pacific governments call for urgent action on disaster displacement in light of the climate crisis
UN Press Release 11 February 2021 Suva/Geneva – Climate change is not a “doomsday proposition” but a living existential threat to humanity, Pacific government officials have warned. The stark warning…