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Achim Steiner, Envoy of the PDD Chair, at the 2017 World Economic Forum, Davos

Davos, Switzerland 17-20 January – World Economic Forum, Global Situation Space, Refugee Crisis: The Big Picture From conflict refugees to disaster displaced persons, participants embarked on a visual exploration that…

The Platform on Disaster Displacement and the Global Forum on Migration and Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh 8-12 December – PDD attended the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2016, both the Civil Society Days and the Government Days, and participated by engaging in Roundtable 3.1 and…

IOM Council Item 13: Panel Discussion on Opportunities for Policy Development to Address Climate Migration and Cross-Border Disaster-Displacement

Disasters, climate change and their impact on human mobility at the IOM Council 2016 Disasters, climate change and their impact on human mobility have been highlighted at various occasions during…

Achim Steiner, Envoy of the PDD Chair introduced the Platform at the World Bank in Washington DC

Washington, United States 5 December 2016 – Mr. Achim Steiner, Envoy of the Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement presented and discussed the Platform, the state-led and multi-stakeholder driven…

The Platform on Disaster Displacement Mission to Central America

At the Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation in Costa Rica, December 2013, the outcome document highlighted that the Regional Conference on Migration (Conferencia Regional sobre Migración – RCM) and the Cartagena…

Disaster Displacement at COP22

The 22nd edition of the UN Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP22) took place between 7 – 18 of November. There were over 20 side events at this COP that…

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