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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Affiliation or Individual: Maria Luisa Silva, Glaucia Boyer
City, Country: New York, USA
Region of Work: 119
Objective / Mission Statement:

UNDP works in nearly 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

UNDP supports countries’ efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP focuses on helping countries build and share solutions in three main areas:

  • Sustainable development
  • Democratic governance and peacebuilding
  • Climate and disaster resilience
Area of work: 127, 128, 126, 125, 124, 129
Key activities relevant to PDD:

UNDP works around the world with countries and communities affected by environmental degradation, natural disasters and the effects of climate change. It assists them to become more resilient by strengthening capacities to cope, rebuild, recover and also protect development gains. Although UNDP’s approach builds resilience and helps prevent displacement, its programmes have not been designed to date to address migration and displacement specifically. The broad areas covered under these programmes are: i) disaster risk reduction; ii) climate change mitigation and adaptation; iii) resilient recovery; iv) sustainable natural resource management. UNDP is also an accredited multilateral implementing agency of various vertical funds: Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Multilateral Fund (MLF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF). So far, UNDP’s support to migration and relocation as adaptation strategies has been incidental.



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