Research and Evidence on Climate Change Related Population Mobility

Bonn, Germany, 4 June 2014 – Research and Evidence on Climate Change Related Population Mobility The most recent IPCC report indicates that warming of the climate system is unequivocal. Many of the observed changes are unprecedented over preceding decades to millennia. This has significant repercussions for the mobility choices of vulnerable communities, who are concentrated in climate change hot spots around the world. The latest reports suggest that climate change impacts, combined with rapid population growth and urbanization, make human mobility more likely. This event took stock of the latest research on population mobility (migration, displacement and planned relocation) and climate change, and discussed how this knowledge can be brought into adaptation processes, such as NAPs and loss and damage. CHAIR Koko Warner (UNU-EHS) SPEAKERS 1) Main findings from the Nansen Initiative Regional Consultations to date and presentation of the Outcomes from the Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation in the Greater Horn of Africa: The Nansen Initiative and the Government of Kenya 2) Launch of the Policy Brief on the Integration of Human Mobility Issues within National Adaptation Plans: UNU-EHS/NI and Government of Germany. 3) Modeling to prevent climate change induced displacement: NRC-IDMC 4) Main findings from research on climate related human mobility: Sciences-Po (CERI) 5) Building evidence for policymaking on migration as adaptation: IOM 6) Planned relocation as an adaptation strategy: UNHCR