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Nansen Initiative Consultative Committee Workshop

Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland, 14 -15 April 2014 – Nansen Initiative Consultative Committee Workshop The two day workshop brought together around 50 Nansen Initiative Consultative Committee members, invited experts, representatives of the Chairmanship, the Steering Group, the Envoy of the Chairmanship and the Nansen Initiative Secretariat in anticipation of the process leading to the 2015 Nansen Initiative Global Consultation. The workshop also provided a good opportunity for Consultative Committee members to share their own relevant empirical research for discussion with peers from around the world, particularly those who may have fewer opportunities to participate in global conferences. The expected outcomes from the workshop were to:

  1. Identify areas of emerging consensus, such as: i) the extent to which cross-border displacement in the context of disasters is viewed as an important issue, ii) protection and assistance gaps for the displaced, iii) examples of existing practice, etc.;
  2. Discuss and begin to formulate the potential structure and content of the Nansen Initiative “protection agenda”;
  3. Identify next steps prior to 2015, including the development of prioritized advocacy messages, strategies for addressing remaining knowledge gaps, and engagement in international and regional processes; and
  4. Brainstorm about potential scenarios for the implementation of the protection agenda.

Invited participants included representatives of international organizations, NGOs, civil society, academic institutions and other key actors working on issues related to displacement, disaster risk reduction, disaster management, climate change adaptation, human rights protection, migration management, development and climate change. The workshop was organized by the Nansen Initiative Secretariat and the Norwegian Refugee Council with generous funding from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

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