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Secretary-General of the United Nations Launches Report on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

New York, 16 February – At the occasion of ‘Migration Week’, three months ahead of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), the Secretary-General of the United Nations has briefed Member States, stakeholders and partners in the UN system on his new report on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Its findings and recommendations provide information and guidance for the implementation of the GCM and the deliberations during the IMRF, including the envisaged round tables and policy debate.

The topic of migration in the context of disasters, the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation is present throughout the report, placing the issue firmly on the agenda of the IMRF. This includes references to related policy instruments and practices aimed at mitigating, adapting and building resilience to environmental drivers. Acknowledging climate change as ‘a defining challenge of our times’, the report highlights the need to address the intensifying impacts of climate change in the area of migration and displacement and calls for policy coherence between the GCM and other applicable policy frameworks. It also provides examples of relevant efforts at regional and national levels, including in the IGAD region and Central America, to fill data and knowledge gaps and to incorporate migrants and human mobility into disaster risk reduction and preparedness frameworks in line with GCM Objective 2. 

The report urges States to cooperate through State-led and other regional, sub-regional and cross-regional processes and platforms to expand and diversify rights-based pathways for regular migration. In particular, this includes promoting pathways for migrants affected by disasters, climate change and environmental degradation in line with GCM Objective 5. 

Building on the examples and recommendations of the Secretary-General’s report will be an important component of the IMRF and its outcome. In particular, Roundtable 1 will focus on reviewing progress in implementing the GCM under Objectives 2 and 5 and provide a platform to reflect on achievements to date and outline a way forward to address human mobility challenges and needs in the context of disasters, the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. As noted by the Secretary-General during his briefing remarks on the report:

“With the Review Forum just across the corner, I trust the recommendations in this report will assist you in preparing tangible, ambitious and actionable pledges. Together we can secure a strong political outcome. Together we can draw on the Global Compact to foster global solidarity towards migrants, recover better from covid-19 and build more resilient and inclusive societies. Together, and only together, we can safeguard our humanity and secure the rights and dignity of all.”

The IMRF will take place from 17 to 20 May 2022, following a one-day informal and interactive multi-stakeholder meeting on 16 May 2022. 

Useful Links

Read the SG’s Report in ArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussian and Spanish.

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