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The predecessor of the Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process – has repeatedly identified the need to develop new and innovative tools to generate better data, research and analysis on cross-border disaster displacement.  Understanding of the complex causes, dynamics and magnitude of disaster displacement continues to grow. This section presents some of the leading research, laws and policies addressing displacement, disasters and climate change, as well as the relationship between disasters, climate change and human mobility more generally.

Protection for persons moving across borders in the context of disasters
Nansen Initiative
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Climate change, migration and displacement
Sarah Opitz Stapleton, Rebecca Nadin, Charlene Watson and Jan Kellett
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IOM Framework for Addressing Internal Displacement
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Migration in the 2030 Agenda
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Migración, Ambiente Y Cambio Climático: Estudios de Caso en América del Sur – 2017
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Movilidad humana, desastres naturales y cambio climático en América Latina: De la comprensión a la acción
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
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La Migracion ambiental en el Pacto Mundial para una Migracion Segura, Ordenada y Reguylar: desafios y aportes para America Latina y el Caribe
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Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action
Cartagena +30
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Paris Agreement 2016
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UNHCR Key Messages for Cop 23
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2017 UNHCR Engagement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
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New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants 2016
United Nations General Assembly
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The 100 Points of Brasilia
Government of Brazil
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Groundswell: preparing for internal climate migration
World Bank Group
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Making migration work for all
Report of the Secretary General
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