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The predecessor of the Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process – has repeatedly identified the need to develop new and innovative tools to generate better data, research and analysis on cross-border disaster displacement.  Understanding of the complex causes, dynamics and magnitude of disaster displacement continues to grow. This section presents some of the leading research, laws and policies addressing displacement, disasters and climate change, as well as the relationship between disasters, climate change and human mobility more generally.

How Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessments Can Strengthen the Evidence Base of International Policymaking on Non-economic Losses in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
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Caritas Internationalis: Displaced by a Changing Climate
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Grupo de Trabajo Migraciones y Fronteras sur-sur – Movilidad humana, Medioambiente y Cambio Climático
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Key International Standards and Guidelines Relating to Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change
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UNHCR Research Series - The 1969 OAU Convention and Disaster Displacement
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Report - External Assessment in Support of the Strategy Review Process of the PDD 2022-2023
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Report - Advisory Committee Workshop 2023
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Children Displaced in a Changing Climate
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Leading Initiatives by Argentina to Address Disaster Displacement
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15 Observations on Disaster Displacement as Loss and Damage
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COP27 Must Act on Human Mobility
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Advancing Law and Policy Responses to Climate Mobility in Africa – Key Messages to Governments for COP27
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Climate and Environment Action Compendium
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Project Fact Sheet - Action and Support to Avert, Minimize and Address Displacement Related to the Adverse Effects of Climate Change
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ECOWAS Regional Climate Strategy and Action Plan
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