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The predecessor of the Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process – has repeatedly identified the need to develop new and innovative tools to generate better data, research and analysis on cross-border disaster displacement.  Understanding of the complex causes, dynamics and magnitude of disaster displacement continues to grow. This section presents some of the leading research, laws and policies addressing displacement, disasters and climate change, as well as the relationship between disasters, climate change and human mobility more generally.

City Street With Bus
Cities, Climate and Migration: The role of cities at the climate-migration nexus
C40, MMC
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Cover Image: Mostly White With A Partial Outline Of A Globe, With The Text Global Climate Risk Index 2021 Who Suffers Most From Extreme Weather Events? Weather-related Loss Events In 2019 And 2000 To 2019
Global Climate Risk Index 2021
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Cover Page: Red Background With Text Climate Change, Disasters And Internal Displacement In Asia And The Pacific: A Human Rights-based Approach
Climate change, disasters and internal displacement in Asia and the Pacific: A human rights-based approach
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Working Paper: The impact of climate displacement on the right to education
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Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Development Policies, and their Consideration of Disaster Displacement and Human Mobility in the IGAD Region
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Climate Change and the Future of Safe Returns Factsheet
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Working Together Better to Prevent, Address and Find Durable Solutions to Internal Displacement: GP20 Compilation of National Practices
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Mixed Migration Review 2020
Mixed Migration Centre
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World Disasters Report 2020: Come Heat or High Water
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Forced Migration Review Special Feature on GP20: lessons and good practice on internal displacement
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Cover Page: United Nations General Assembly Seventy-fifth Session, Agenda Items 14 And 122, Report Of The Secretary-General - Global Compact For Safe, Orderly And Regular Migration
Report of the Secretary-General - Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Africa Migration Report: Challenging the Narrative
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Cover Image: A Group Of People By A Dusty Roadside With The Text WorldRiskReport 2020: Forced Displacement And Migration
WorldRiskReport 2020: Forced Displacement and Migration
Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft, IFHV
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Home Lands: Island and Archipelagic States’ Policymaking for Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change
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Cover Page: United Nations General Assembly Seventy-fifth Session, Item 72(b) Of The Provisional Agenda, Human Rights Of Internally Displaced Persons Note By The Secretary-General
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons 2020
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