Side Event – Regular Pathways in the Age of Climate Change: Blending Policy, People, and Art

Regular Pathways in the Age of Climate Change:
Blending Policy, People, and Art
14th Summit GFMD Side Event
24 January 2024, 12:30-2:00pm Geneva Time
International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG)
Room: CCV – Lausanne
Also live online here with interpretation in English/French/Spanish
Every year, the slow-onset impacts of climate change affect millions of lives. People are forced to leave their homes while others are trapped in at-risk areas. As climate change continues to intensify, how can we adapt policies to the realities and migration aspirations of communities affected by slow-onset climate change? How can we ensure tailored approaches in the formulation and implementation of policies on regular migration pathways? How can we link policy discourse with art and promote a holistic perspective to these questions?
Join the conversation in person (online TBC) to learn more about the multifaceted relationship between migration and development in the context of slow-onset climate change. Anchored in the overarching objective of enhancing the availability and flexibility of regular pathways, the event will discuss how the adverse impacts of slow-onset climate change, ranging from sea level rise in the Pacific to drought in West Africa, shape different mobility outcomes.
Speakers will include Ms. Bernie Goulding from the Pacific Women’s Indigenous Network (WIN), Mr. Mamadou Goita, from the Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants’ Rights (PANiDMR), Mr. Shakirul Islam, from Ovibashi Karmi Unnayan Program (OKUP), Ms. Helena Olea, from Alianza Americas, and Ms. Mary Mattingly, Visual Artist & Lecturer, Guggenheim Fellow. Ambassador Christian Frutiger, Assistant Director General, Head of Thematic Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will provide opening remarks before the panel discussion and a representative of the Government of Kenya, new Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), will provide closing remarks. Professor Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chair of the Platform on Disaster Displacement, will moderate the discussion.
The discussion will be followed by the screening of a short film “That Which Come is Just a Promise” by the artist collective Flatform.
This event is co-organized by the Secours Catholique – Caritas France, the Climate, Migration, and Displacement Platform (CMDP), the GFMD Civil Society Mechanism and the PDD. The event also benefits from the support of the governments of Kenya, Switzerland and Fiji.
Useful Links and Documents
Read the Event Concept Note
Learn more about the CLIMB Database booth at the GFMD Marketplace
Learn more about the “Art Meet Migration and Development” booth at the GFMD Marketplace