Online Meeting – Planned Relocation in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change

On 2 October 2024, the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD) is organizing a virtual exchange of the PDD Advisory Committee on planned relocation in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change.
Displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change, disasters caused by natural hazards, and environmental degradation is a reality today and will continue to be a growing global concern. When movement of at-risk communities is unavoidable, policy options to prevent or respond to displacement include planned relocation away from hazardous areas to safer areas before or after a disaster occurs.
Under its 2024-2030 Strategy, the PDD aims to support State efforts to “enhance public policies on planned relocation” and specifically to support efforts to “improve the use of planned relocation as a preventative or responsive measure to disaster/climate risk and displacement”. This is the first time that planned relocation has been explicitly identified as a strategic priority for the PDD, and efforts to identify opportunities for PDD engagement on the topic are ongoing. In this context, the PDD seeks to organize a virtual exchange of the PDD Advisory Committee on planned relocation in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change.
The objective of this 90 minute virtual exchange of the Advisory Committee on 2 October 2024 is to introduce and receive input on this PDD strategic priority and work on planned relocation, and to convene Advisory Committee members for an exchange on practices, and ongoing and upcoming work. The meeting is open to anyone (PDD Advisory Committee members and their colleagues/networks) who would like to attend and contribute.
Logistical Information
For the Asia and Pacific regions: 2 October 2024 – 08:30 Geneva, 13:30 Bangkok, 18:30 Fiji
For the Americas, Africa, and Europe regions: 2 October 2024 – 09:00 New York, 15:00 Geneva, 16:00 Nairobi
The meetings will be recorded for those unable to attend and posted on the PDD website.
For any further questions, please contact:
Header photo: IOM