People on the Move in a Changing Climate: Locally Led Action – Side Event at the International Red Cross Red Crescent Conference

At the occasion of the 34th International Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Conference, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), several National Societies*, and the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD) are pleased to invite you to attend our side event entitled “People on the Move in a Changing Climate: Locally Led Action” that will take place on 29 October 2024 from 13:15-14:15 in Room 4, International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), Geneva.
This event will explore the critical role of locally led action in promoting the resilience and adaptation of people at risk of displacement in the context of disasters and climate change, and in responding to the needs of displaced people.
Representatives of States – including Germany, Kenya, the Marshall Islands – as well as of National Societies, United Nations and other stakeholders will exchange on effective practices, existing commitments, and priorities for future action.
It will take place on 29 October 2024 from 13:15-14:15 in Room 4, International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG), and will be held primarily in English. Interpretation will be available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. Lunch will be provided.
*the National Societies hosting the event include American Red Cross, British Red Cross, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Danish Red Cross, The Gambia Red Cross Society, German Red Cross, Iraqi Red Crescent Society, Paraguay Red Cross, and the Swiss Red Cross
Header photo: Yoshi Shimizu / IFRC