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The predecessor of the Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process – has repeatedly identified the need to develop new and innovative tools to generate better data, research and analysis on cross-border disaster displacement.  Understanding of the complex causes, dynamics and magnitude of disaster displacement continues to grow. This section presents some of the leading research, laws and policies addressing displacement, disasters and climate change, as well as the relationship between disasters, climate change and human mobility more generally.

The Responsibility of the International Community in Situations of Human Mobility Due to Environmental Causes
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Guiding Principles for Children on the Move in the Context of Climate Change
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Movilidad Humana en el Contexto del Cambio Climático y Desastres en Centroamérica: Una Perspectiva de Derechos Humanos
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Movilidad Humana en Contextos de Desastres, Degradación Ambiental y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica: Análisis de Evidencia y de Políticas
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Pathways to Migrant Protection: A Mapping of National Practice for Admission and Stay on Human Rights and Humanitarian Grounds in Asia and the Pacific
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2022 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID)
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Mapeo sobre Migración, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático en América del Sur
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Ten Insights
Ten key insights derived from the Global Compact for Migration Baseline Mapping Report
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A Conceptual Model of Climate Change and Human Mobility Interactions
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A Baseline Analysis Report Under the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Summary - Leaving Place, Restoring Home: Enhancing the Evidence Base on Planned Relocation Cases in the Context of Hazards, Disasters, and Climate Change
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Assessing vulnerabilities to disaster displacement: a good practice review
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People On A Raft In Water
Costs Of Climate Inaction: Displacement And Distress Migration
ActionAid CANSA
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World Migration Report 2022
World Migration Report 2022
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Research Agenda | For Advancing Law and Policy Responses to Displacement and Migration in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Africa
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