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The predecessor of the Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process – has repeatedly identified the need to develop new and innovative tools to generate better data, research and analysis on cross-border disaster displacement.  Understanding of the complex causes, dynamics and magnitude of disaster displacement continues to grow. This section presents some of the leading research, laws and policies addressing displacement, disasters and climate change, as well as the relationship between disasters, climate change and human mobility more generally.

Des Paroles aux actes - Déplacements liés aux catastrophes: Comment en réduire les risques, en atténuer les répercussions et renforcer la résilience des populations touchées
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Eight months after Idai: Chronology of displacement, humanitarian needs and challenges going forward in Mozambique
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Annual Thematic Meeting of the Platform on Disaster Displacement - Chair's Summary
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Annual Thematic Meeting of the Platform on Disaster Displacement - Proceedings Report
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Free Movement Agreements & Climate-Induced Migration: A Caribbean Case Study
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
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Cover Image: Top, Boy In Floodwaters, Bottom, Feet On Dry Cracked Earth With Text The Disaster Riskscape Across Asia-Pacific: Pathways For Resilience, Inclusion And Empowerment Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2019
Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2019
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Report - Advisory Committee Workshop 2019
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Accomodating Migration in Climate Change Adaptation: A GBM Delta Bangladesh Perspective
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Disasters and Displacement in a Changing Climate: The Role of Asia Pacific National Societies
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Desplazamiento transfronterizo, cambio climático y desastres: América Latina y el Caribe
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Cross-border Displacement, Climate Change and Disasters: Latin America and the Caribbean
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Consultation towards a Framework for Regional Cooperation on Human Mobility in the Context of Disasters and the Adverse Effects of Climate Change in the Caribbean
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De las palabras a la acción - Desplazamiento por desastres: Cómo reducir el riesgo, hacer frente a sus efectos y fortalecer la resiliencia
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Sydney Declaration of Principles on the Protection of Persons Displaced in the Context of Sea Level Rise
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The United Nations system’s mandates with respect to averting, minimizing and addressing displacement related to climate change: Considerations for the future
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